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my morning song是什么意思

看: 202次  时间:2022-10-02  分类 : 英文词典
my morning song的中文意思是:


my morning song的双语使用场景

And now I can't get the "Gaston Song" from Beauty and the Beast out of my head, the part about eating 5 dozen eggs every morning to become strong.───现在我不能把美女与野兽中的“加斯东歌”排出我的脑海,这部分是关于每天早上吃5打鸡蛋将成为强劲。

In the morning, we had a music class; some of my classmates could sing the song.───上午我们上了音乐课,一些同学能唱得很棒,我们很快掌握了新知识。

When I was a kid, I remember my dad used to sing an old, WWI song, "Pack up your Troubles," while he was getting dressed for work in the morning.───当我还是一个孩子的时候,我记得父亲早上总是一边换工作服,一边哼唱一首很老的英文歌《打包你的烦恼》。

my morning song的相似词语短语

morning song───晨歌

my morning───我的早晨

morning morning morning───早上好早上好

morning my life───早上好我的生活

my first song───我的第一首歌


play my song───播放我的歌

sing my song───唱我的歌

my personal song───我的个人歌曲

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my morning song 
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